This game may be the worst downward spiral I’ve ever played. Spoilers will be in RED.
Uncharted has garnered quite a bit of attention since its release. People praise it for its amazing graphics and cinematic style of gameplay. It is said to look like a movie at times, which is true. I was interested in it since 2007 but only recently was able to pick it up when I bought a PS3 for the first time. I thought I might as well by Uncharted as my first PS3 game since it is seen as one of the Playstation’s crown jewels.
It is a 3rd person shooter, action adventure title with many plat forming elements. The game begins and is pretty breathtaking. You begin to get to know the characters and everything starts to unfold. It has a very Indiana Jones feel to it, and I love that. You adventure through the jungle and some ruins and you climb rocks and trees and stuff. The climbing reminds me a lot of Shadow of the Colossus (which is my favorite game of all time) so it was easy for me to get hooked.
Then the gun fights began. I knew it was inevitable so I held my breath and ran into battle. The controls were nice enough and I got through. The only problem is the gun fights never stopped. Fire fights soon rook precedence over the actual “adventuring” portion of the game. As the game progressed, instead of having climbing and puzzle solving challenges with some gun fights in between, it became more and more of a fire fight where you have to turn a knob every once in a while. And don’t get me started on fucking jet skis!! UHG!!
There are also many parts where you are climbing and jumping around environments and (unless you know exactly where to go) you have to guess and check. This usually ends with you falling to your death. But instead of you spawning anywhere near where you had died, you have to start the whole thing all over again. That’s not to say the check point system in the game isn’t good, because it is. The moment you get somewhere its saves (I even had the game freeze a particularly crucial moment and it actually saved exactly where I was when I turned it back on) but it’s when you are doing climbing puzzles that I wish it would actually save where you are in the room and not just making you start the whole freaking thing over again.
Not to mention this one time there was a gap I had to jump. I tried jumping it 10 times and feel and died each time. I kept trying though because it was the only place I could see to go. I finally broke down and went to Gamefaqs and low and behold I WAS DOING THE RIGHT THING!! I went back and tried 5 more times and I made it across. It’s the multiple moments like that that make this game frustrating.
What was the most frustrating? When the fucking monsters came out. No, I mean literally. Monsters come out. Yeah! It was at that point the whole game was ruined for me. I actually didn’t even finish the game. After my 13th attempt to run through a corridor of giant clawed zombie monsters that kill you with one slash, I put the game away (it’s a good thing I bought it used or else I’d feel bad). When I started this game, I was looking forward to a realistic adventure. Not a goddamn Guillermo Del Toro movie. It figures that this game would be looked at so highly by the “gaming” community. I should have known fucking zombies would come out.
Uncharted started off amazingly and turned into a nightmare. And no, I still haven’t beaten it to the end because I was so frustrated. I may go back and finish it since I do want to know what happens in the story, and I kind of wanted to play Among Thieves and the new one that’s coming out soon, but now I don’t even know anymore. I’ll probably just go out and get Infamous and start playing that franchise. Thankfully the HD ICO and Shadow bundle is set to release in a month or two.
UPDATE: I beat the game. Ya. The explanation for the zombies kind of made the idea better. Even Indiana Jones has strange and paranormal stuff like that in the movies, so I guess I can live with it. I was reading a little about Uncharted 2 to make sure there were no zombies in it. Turns out there are Sasquatches LOL!! It just figures. I will never look at this series the same way.
The last fight pissed me off because it played out just like that time I mentioned before where I was jumping that gap and couldn't make it, only this time it was a fight. I thought I knew what to do and I tried it over and over and just couldn't get it to work. So, usually when one thing doesn't work, you try another. I tried to do this fight scene about 13 times and nothing I did could keep Nathan from getting killed so I went online again, and low and behold, the answer was what I was doing from the beginning. I tried it a couple more times and it worked... uhg. It really makes a "dramatic ending" lose all of its drama when you have to replay the scene over and over 20 times. Maybe I just suck at games. Maybe this game sucks. Who am I to judge? I only have a bachelors degree in Game Design LOL
But seriously, the game really isn't that terrible I suppose. But it still doesn't live up to the hype the gaming community created for it. Uncharted 2 is suppose to be better though, which I hope is true.
Pretty good visuals
Fun dialog and characters
Did actually feel like a movie sometimes
Fun environmental puzzle solving
What was mentioned in the spoilers...
Too much gun fighting and not enough adventure
Some spots are difficult for stupid reasons
Hard to find things may be too hard to find at times
Check Points vary in convenience
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