His costume was awesome, except for the mask, which is probably the most important part of a costume in my opinion. The head piece just looked goofy as all hell to me. I think they really dropped the ball with that. Everything else was sweet. They should have just had him fight with no mask and he would have looked BA.
Women. Jeez louise! I understand that having a love interest is a good plot point to have in a movie, but it doesn't have to be the ONLY plot point when it comes to super hero movies. The sexual tension in this movie fills up a good portion while also not developing very much anything at all. It's all pretty dull.
Then there's the action. My god. I was hoping to see a whole movie with kick ass fight scenes, but what I got was an hour leading up to something that could be action and then a second hour of action bits sprinkled throughout more.... idk, whatever it was. The trailer makes it look like an action thrill ride, but it is most certainly not. Many of the clips from the trailer are actually edited into a FUCKING ACTION MONTAGE. Yes. A fucking montage. This is was pissed me off the most I think. Why would you fill up a majority of a super hero movie with passionless potential love scenes and then edit all of the decent looking action scenes into a 2 minute montage!?!?
Regardless, there are SOME action scenes that made it out of the montage. There's some flying ship parts and some human exploding laser guns. When we DID get to see Cap fight, he fucking DESTROYED people! He literally swatted people multiple feet away from him with one hit. This was pretty cool, although there wasn't any real deep fight choreography to come of any of it....
The guy who played Mr Smith in the Matrix movies did a great job as Red Skull, although the makeup for his character could have been more.... idk, grotesque? He looked kind of cartoony (even though one woman in-front of me in the theater actually cringed and turned away as he pulled off his human mask) I guess after seeing what Christopher Nolan did with Two Face in Dark Knight, my expectations are really high for that kind of thing.
Literally the best part of the movie in my opinion is the last few minutes where it sets up for the Avengers movie. Which saddens me.
All in all, like I said before, this movie really isn't "bad" (even though I mostly said negative things about it). I think I just had higher expectations for it. The trailer makes it out to look a lot more action packed than it is. It's just kind of so so. I think I liked Thor better, even though even that wasn't "superb" or anything. Hopefully the new Spiderman reboot and pick things back up again for Marvel. Or else I'll have to just wait until the next Batman is released, which I KNOW will be fucking amazing!!
What action there is is pretty good
Lasers that disintegrate people
Builds up to what could be a cool movie in The Avengers
Not as much action as the trailer implied
No real character development (unless I slept through it)
Failed romance
Bland characters
Doesn't meet expectations
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