X-Men First Class is a pretty fun movie. I’m always a sucker for super hero movies and can usually enjoy them no matter how terrible people say they are. Not that this movie is terrible or anything LOL. Probably my favorite part of any super hero’s life is their “first experience”; their ‘feeling-out” phase. My favorite part in the Spider Man movies was the very first film when he was just developing his powers and was struggling to get used to them within his school setting. I loved when Bruce Wayne had to go on a journey to learn combat while finding himself in Batman Begins. First Class has that same kind of feeling-out process as the young mutants try to learn to control their abilities and get stronger in order to fight an increasing national threat. All of the students have to learn to not only overcome their powers, but also their diversities and how to be proud of what they are.
If you are a fan of X-Men, this movie is also fun because it plants the seeds for future and you get to watch the young characters develop into the people you already know they become. Now, that’s not to say that this movie doesn’t take its liberties when it comes to the “official” X-Men history. A couple characters from off-shoot comics are added into the mix like Azazel, (the red teleporting devil and right hand man of Sebastian Shaw) who was never an actual character until the Uncanny X-Men story “The Draco” in 2003 and Darwin who has the power of reactive evolving and didn’t make his comic book debut until 2006. Family tree swapping is also in full effect like how Scott Summers’s younger brother Alex is depicted in this movie as Scott’s “older” brother. It is little changes like this that could possibly throw off the hardcore fans, but really didn’t bother me. There is also a Wolverine cameo that is pretty funny. I was not expecting him to be in the movie at all, so that scene was a nice little treat.
The movie is a pretty feel good tale full of action and humor. It has its heart wrenching moments as well as its over the top fight scenes. Special effects wise it’s pretty top notch. It also didn’t feel too long or too short. The ending is somewhat predictable if you know anything about the X-Men series, but was still very nice. So if you are a super hero fan (or X-Men fan in particular) I would definitely check this movie out if you have time this summer. It’s a pretty fun experience.
(There is also nothing after the credits if you are wondering)
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